Lesson 9: I See Only The Past - How To End And Seeing Beyond The Veil Of


 Course In Miracles (ACIM) Lesson 9: Solution to dissolve misperception and to have vision via Seeing Beyond the Veil of The Past. Let's delve to escape the chains of perpetual dwelling and gain transformative wisdom.

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In the unfolding tapestry of A Course In Miracles, Lesson 9 emerges as a poignant continuation of our quest for clarity. "I see only the past," the lesson declares, challenging us to pierce the veil of conditioned perception. As we delve into the rich tapestry of its teachings, we unveil the profound interplay between our past experiences and the present moment.

The Material Of Lesson 9 To Practice

Source: Teachings of Christ Mind - Lesson 8 - ACIM Sparkly Edition

Material Exploration

The text material of Lesson 9 invites us to grapple with the idea that our present perception is often clouded by the shadows of the past. It challenges us to question the authenticity of our sight, prompting us to discern between what is truly before us and the layers of interpretation we've draped upon it.

Lesson 9 Unveiled

Lesson 9 of A Course In Miracles invites us to grapple with the profound interplay between past experiences and present perception.

Challenging Authenticity

The material challenges us to question the authenticity of our sight, prompting discernment between true observation and the layers of interpretation draped upon it.

The Dance of the Mind

Guiding us through the intricate dance of the mind, it elucidates why beliefs about time shape our interpretations, urging us to look beyond the surface of objects.

Threads of the Past

By applying the lesson indiscriminately, we unveil the threads of the past that cloak our vision, fostering a mirror reflecting layers of interpretation.

Embrace Forgiveness

Journeying through Lesson 9, we confront the tendency to condemn based on past grievances. Embracing forgiveness dissolves chains of enmity, paving the way to see with the eyes of love.

Understanding the Mind's Influence on Perception

The material guides us through the intricate dance of the mind, elucidating why our beliefs about time shape our interpretations. It beckons us to look beyond the surface of objects, acknowledging that our past experiences intricately weave the fabric of our present perception. By applying the lesson indiscriminately, we begin to unveil the threads of the past that cloak our vision.

Application of the Lesson

In our daily practice, let us affirm, "I see only the past in this [object]." We briefly glance at each subject and acknowledge the pervasive influence of our past learnings. This practice becomes a mirror, reflecting the layers of interpretation we've superimposed on the world.


As we journey through Lesson 9, we confront the tendency to condemn based on past grievances. The lesson gently nudges us toward forgiveness, a transformative act that dissolves the chains of enmity. In embracing forgiveness, we pave the way to see with the eyes of love, where the past dissolves, and enemies cease to exist.

The Enigma of Self-Awareness

The mystery of why we often aren't aware that we are aware resides in the intricate nature of consciousness. Consciousness is a multifaceted phenomenon whose depths are not always immediately accessible to our conscious mind. The very act of being aware involves a level of self-awareness, but this awareness can fluctuate.

Distractions and Unconscious Patterns

In moments of distraction or when our minds are absorbed in routine tasks, our awareness may be directed externally or caught in unconscious patterns. It's akin to temporarily losing sight of the essence of understanding amidst the noise of daily life. The mind, driven by habit and routine, can operate on autopilot, leading us away from the present moment.

Temporal Wanderings

When we aren't present, our consciousness may wander into past memories or future anticipations. The mind's ability to time travel, so to speak, can temporarily veil the awareness of the present. In these moments, our attention is directed elsewhere, and the core awareness of the "I am" may take a back seat.

Distillation of the Layers of Consciousness

Consciousness, the intricate tapestry of our awareness, weaves through different layers, each revealing a unique facet of our inner landscape. Understanding these layers, as elucidated by many spiritual masters, including Yeshua, adds depth to our exploration:

1. Subconsciousness

  • The foundational layer, akin to the roots of a tree, represents the accumulation of human beliefs from life experiences.
  • Here, the subconscious stores the imprints of past thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, influencing our present actions.

2. Consciousness

  • The dynamic interplay between the inner and outer realms unfolds in this layer.
  • Engaged in daily tasks, this surface consciousness often operates on autopilot, navigating the external world.

3. Super-consciousness

  • The spiritual apex is where the self or soul intertwines with higher realms.
  • In this transcendent space, profound self-awareness resides, connecting us to the divine essence.

As we navigate the layers, our surface consciousness may veer away from the profound self-awareness of the super-conscious realm. Distractions and habitual patterns often cloud the realization of being aware of our awareness. However, we embark on a transformative journey by acknowledging and understanding these layers. Mindfulness and intentional presence become tools to navigate through the layers, unveiling the radiant clarity of self-awareness that resides at the core of our being. This holistic perspective illuminates the importance of exploring and harmonizing the diverse layers of consciousness on our path to self-realization.

Cultivating Presence

The journey toward being consistently aware of our awareness involves practices like mindfulness and self-reflection. These techniques help us cut through the layers, bringing the core awareness to the forefront. By consciously choosing to be present and cultivating a heightened awareness, we unravel the enigma and deepen our connection with the essence of consciousness.

The why and where of our lapses in self-awareness unveil the intricate dance of consciousness. Exploring this enigma invites us to navigate the depths of our awareness, fostering a continuous connection with the essence of being. Through mindfulness and intentional presence, we can unravel the mysteries and bask in the radiant clarity of self-awareness.

Cultivating Presence: Mindfulness Techniques

1. Breath Awareness
  • Focus on your breath, observing each inhale and exhale.
  • When distractions arise, gently bring your attention back to the breath.
2. Body Scan
  • Progressively bring awareness to each part of your body, from toes to head.
  • Notice any sensations without judgment.
3. Walking With Awareness
  • Take slow, deliberate steps, paying attention to the movement of each foot.
  • Engage your senses in walking, feeling the ground beneath you.
4. Observing Thoughts
  • Sit in a quiet space and observe your thoughts without getting involved.
  • Acknowledge thoughts as they come, allowing them to pass without attachment.
5. Sensory Awareness
  • Engage your senses one at a time, focusing on what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.
  • This practice grounds you in the present moment.
6. Loving-Kindness Meditation
  • Send positive and compassionate thoughts and affirmation to yourself and others. In the teachings attributed to Yeshua ben Joseph on meditation, the following guidance is offered for approaching the practice of meditation. Please follow the link to the original text of How To Meditate here.
  • Cultivate feelings of love and kindness, fostering a sense of connection.
7. Mindful Eating
  • Eat slowly and savor each bite, paying attention to the taste, texture, and sensations.
  • Be fully present during the entire eating experience.
8. Gratitude Practice
  • Reflect on things you are grateful for in your life. Again, in the teachings attributed to Yeshua ben Joseph, to submit your gratitude to your source of All There IS, please follow the link to the original text Affirmation here
  • Express gratitude for simple moments, fostering a positive mindset.
9. Body-Mind Connection
  • Engage in gentle movements like yoga or tai chi, connecting the body and mind.
  • Notice how the body feels during each movement.
10. Daily Mindfulness Rituals
  • - Practice awareness by choosing routine activities (e.g., brushing teeth, washing hands).
  • - Turn these moments into opportunities for present-moment awareness.

Remember, mindfulness is about being present without judgment. Consistent practice of these techniques can enhance your ability to stay aware of the present moment in various aspects of life.


Escape the chains of perpetual dwelling in the past by embracing the transformative wisdom of Lesson 9. This practice beckons us to transcend the shadows that haunt our vision, unlocking the purity of sight free from the burdens of preconceived notions. With discernment and forgiveness as our guides, we journey toward a vision unclouded by the ghosts of yesterday, ushering in the radiant splendor of the present moment. Engage in this illuminating path of self-discovery and transformation, where the practice becomes a beacon, guiding you to a realm of clarity and profound insight. Happy practicing on this journey toward the timeless beauty of the now.

A Course In Miracles: Train Your Mind Principles of Miracles
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7 | Lesson 8


Iam a vessel for the expression of the All There Is—the Universal Loving Intelligence of Love and Light.

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