
Lexicon / Glossary

DIY Education - This lexicon is a reference or collection of information arranged alphabetically, containing words, phrases, terms, and definitions relating to esoteric subjects and general meanings. The glossary below provides brief and clear explanations of concepts, people, places, or other things that are relevant to the topic being discussed. 

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In an esoteric context, the esoteric lexicon will focus on terms and concepts related to the esoteric or spiritual field. It covers topics such as spirituality, occultism, symbolism, metaphysical philosophy, and more. This magical lexicon is a useful reference source for those interested in understanding and deepening esoteric knowledge.

Creating an esoteric lexicon allows you to collect and organize information about esoteric terms, provide definitions and explanations, and possibly include relevant examples or references. This will help the reader or user of the lexicon to gain a better understanding of complex esoteric concepts.

Akash and Akashic Records

Akash, derived from the Sanskrit language, holds a profound significance in the tapestry of spiritual exploration. This term from Hindu esoteric tradition speaks to the essence of cosmic space that weaves through the very fabric of the universe. In this intricate philosophy, Akasha is not merely an empty expanse; it is the subtle element that underpins the entirety of matter and Energy, connecting all things in a dance of interdependence.


Alchemy comes from the Arabic "al-kīmiyā'," from the Greek "khēmeia." The origins of this word are not entirely clear. Still, there are several theories linking it to words like "kēme," meaning "to melt," or "khrēsthai," suggesting "to pour." The term "alchemy" will likely develop through transliteration and linguistic transformation from language to language.

Alchemy is a discipline or tradition that involves the quest for knowledge and a deep understanding of the universe, material nature, and humans through practices that include chemical experiments, symbolism, and spiritual philosophy. Alchemy has a long history involving various cultures, including Ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia, Islam, and Europe during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

In the alchemical tradition, the main goal is to achieve spiritual transformation and self-purification through the transmutation of matter. Alchemists believed that through experimentation and manipulation of physical materials, they could better understand life, the universe, and human existence.

In addition, alchemy involved the use of symbols and complex hermetic methods to represent and communicate deeper concepts. Although alchemy has historically been associated with gaining knowledge of the transmutation of metals into gold or the search for elixirs of longevity, symbolic and philosophical interpretations in alchemy also include understanding the universe, the human soul, and the quest for spiritual purification.

Alchemy has two closely related aspects: a material aspect and a spiritual aspect. The materials aspect of alchemy relates to chemical experiments and practices involving the processing and transformation of physical materials, such as metals, minerals, and other substances. At a certain stage of history, alchemy was often associated with finding ways to transmute common metals into precious metals, such as gold. However, it is important to note that these efforts often have a deeper symbolic and spiritual dimension than purely material goals.

On the other hand, the spiritual aspect of alchemy is concerned with seeking a deep understanding of the universe, the human soul, and spiritual transformation. Alchemy practitioners believe that they can also achieve spiritual purification and transformation within themselves through experimentation and refinement of physical materials. The transmutation of matter is considered a reflection or analogy of the transmutation of the human mind, in which individuals seek to transform and purify their grosser aspects into pure and perfect ones.

All there Is 

"All there Is" is an English phrase that literally means "everything that exists" or "everything that exists." This term refers to either a philosophical or spiritual view that everything in the universe is an inseparable whole.

The concept of "All There Is" is often associated with the understanding that the universe is composed of connected and interacting energies. It includes all forms of life, matter, Energy, mind, and consciousness. This view emphasizes that nothing is separate from the whole, and each part has an important role in the larger existence.

This concept can be found in various spiritual and philosophical traditions, including the holistic view, monism, and pantheism. It also reflects the idea that we as individuals are part and parcel of the universe, and understanding these relationships can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the world around us.

"All There Is" invites us to look beyond separation or dualistic understanding and recognize that a greater whole encompasses us. This can trigger reflection and exploration regarding the nature of existence, consciousness, purpose in life, and our relationship to the universe.


Aura in an esoteric context has no clear origin. However, the term was first used in Ancient Greek with the spelling "aûra," meaning "wind" or "wind gust." Initially, the time was used to refer to a gust of wind felt by a person.

In the esoteric tradition, aura refers to the energy field surrounding an individual or object. This term refers to the energy field surrounding a person's physical body, which is believed to reflect that individual's emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects.

The meaning of the aura in an esoteric context is that each individual has a unique energy field, which radiates and influences their overall state. Aura reflects one's emotional state, physical health, mindset, and spiritual state.

In an esoteric view, the aura is considered a layer of Energy that surrounds the body and a medium that facilitates the interaction and exchange of Energy between the individual and his environment. Auras are also believed to have different colors, patterns, and densities, which can carry certain information and meanings about the individual.


The word Chakra cChakrarom Sanskrit. Cakra (चक्र) literally means "wheel" or "circle" in Indonesian. In an esoteric context, chakras refer to energy centers or energy points present in the human body.

In esoteric traditions, especially Hinduism and Buddhism belief systems, chakras are considered energy centers along the body's pathwaSushumnad "Sushumna" or "central canals." Several main chakras are believed to have special functions and affect an individual's physical, emotional, and spiritual balance and health.

In general, seven major chakras are recognized in the esoteric chakra system. These chakras are:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, in the pelvic region. This chakra is associated with resilience, stability, and connection with the physical world.

  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Located in the lower abdominal region of the spine. This chakra is associated with creativity, passion, and interpersonal relationships.

  3. Manipura Chakra: Located in the upper abdominal area. This chakra is associated with personal strength, self-confidence, and self-control.

  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Located in the chest area. This chakra is associated with love, compassion, empathy, and emotional relationships.

  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located in the throat area. This chakra is associated with communication, truth, and self-expression.

  6. Three-Eyed Chakra (Ajna): Located between the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead. This chakra is associated with intuition, perception, and inner vision.

  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Located at the top of the head. This chakra is the highest point of spiritual awareness and connection with a higher consciousness.

Each chakra iChakraeved has a special color, element, and properties representing the individual's physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Spiritual practitioners use meditation, yoga, and crystals to open, align, and activate the chakras so that Energy can flow harmoniously in the body.


Cosmos has its origins in Ancient Greek, where the word was spelled as "κόσμος" (kósmos). Literally, the cosmos means "ordered world" or "ordered order." The term is used in a variety of contexts, including in mythology, philosophy, and science.

In Ancient Greek mythology, "cosmos" refers to the orderly and harmonious world or universe governed by the gods. This involves understanding that the universe has an orderly structure and order.

Philosophically, the concept of the cosmos also refers to the visible order or pattern in nature and expresses the idea that the universe follows certain principles that are consistent and orderly.

In science, "cosmos" refers to the entire universe, including the heavenly bodies, galaxies, stars, planets, and everything in it. It includes space, time, matter, and Energy in the universe.


The term Cult in an esoteric context, it should be noted that can have different meanings depending on its usage. In general, "cult" in esotericism refers to groups or communities that adhere to certain spiritual beliefs or practices considered alternative or outside the mainstream.

In esotericism, the meaning of "cult" relates to a group with a distinctive system of beliefs, rites, or teachings and may only be understood or accessed by members. However, it is important to note that "cult" can be controversial and depends on individual viewpoints and judgments.

In common usage, "cult" is often associated with negative connotations or refers to groups that are criticized for manipulation, influence, or harmful practices. However, in esotericism, the term can describe various groups with unique beliefs and spiritual practices.

Higher dimensions 

Higher dimensions refer to concepts in physics, mathematics, and some esoteric traditions that imply that there are additional dimensions beyond the dimensions of space and time that we experience in everyday life.

The term "Higher Dimensions" indicates that additional dimensions go beyond the three dimensions we perceive (length, width, and height) and the dimensions of time we experience linearly. Several theories of modern physics, such as string theory and parallel dimension theory, suggest that additional folded or hidden dimensions may be difficult or impossible for us to observe directly.

In esoteric and spiritual contexts, "Higher Dimensions" is often associated with the concept of consciousness that transcends conventional physical perception and reality. It includes ideas about the spiritual dimension, transcendent states, and higher levels of consciousness that can be attained through spiritual practice, meditation, or mystical experiences.


The word Egregore comes from ancient Greek, where "egrégoroi" (ἐγρήγοροι) is the plural of "égrēgoros" (ἐγρήγορος). Literally, the word means "watchful" or "awake."

In esoteric and occult contexts, "egregore" refers to a collective entity or entities formed by the consciousness, intent, and Energy emanating from a particular group of individuals or community. Egregores are thought to have an independent existence or power formed through collective thought, emotion, and action.

Egregores often form in the context of spiritual groups, occult organizations, or communities that share common goals, beliefs, or practices. Through active participation and conscious unity, the individuals in the group contribute to forming the egregore with their collaborative Energy.

Egregores can influence and connect with members of the group, both positively and negatively. These entities are believed to control members' thoughts, emotions, and actions and provide collective strength, inspiration, or protection.

In addition, in some esoteric traditions, the egregore is also associated with the concept of the servitor, that is, an artificial entity created by individuals for a specific purpose. Servitor differs from group egregore in that it is made by one or several individuals within a smaller scope.

While the concept of the egregore is more familiar in esoteric and occultist practices, there are instances of stories or stories often associated with similar collective entities or influences. Here are some examples that might interest you:

Tibetan Tulpas: In the Tibetan tradition, there are stories of "tulpas," entities created through visualization and the power of thought. Tulpas are formed by highly trained practitioners and manifest entities with desired characteristics and capabilities. The egregore shares conceptual similarities with the tulpa in that it forms a collective entity through focused thought and Energy.

Superman: Superman has become a popular example of a collective entity in the comic world. The character was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and is a widely respected cultural icon. Superman embodies certain symbols and values ​​that many recognize and continue influencing the collective imagination and inspiration.

Da Vinci's Last Supper: Leonardo da Vinci's classic painting, "The Last Supper," is often credited with a powerful collective energy and presence. The presence of the characters in this painting forms an entity beyond individual personalities, and the work is seen as a collective entity that gives different messages and influences.

Trance dance: Some trance dance traditions, such as Sufi dance or spiritual ecstatic dance, involve experiences in which the dancers participate in collectively coordinated movements and music. In these moments, the group creates a collective energy and presence that can be considered a form of egregore in the context of dance and spiritual ecstasy.


The word Empathy Empathyrom ancient Greek, namely from the word "empatheia" (ἐμπάθεια), which consists of the elements "en" (inside) and "pathos" (feeling, emotion). Literally, "empathy" means "sharing feelings" or "having feelings within oneself."

In esoteric and spiritual contexts, "empathy" refers to the ability to feel, understand, and share the feelings and emotional experiences of others. It involves the ability to empathize by intuitively understanding and feeling what others are feeling, regardless of clear verbal communication.

Empathy in an esoteric context can also include reading someone's Energy or aura, understanding their emotional state, and feeling a resonance or imbalance within them.

Overall, empathy Empathyericism includes deep inner experience and emotional sensitivity. It allows a person to forge deeper connections with others, provide emotional support, and better understand their feelings and experiences.


The word Energy comes from the ancient Greek "energeia," which means "activity" or "work." In science, Energy is the capacity to do work or cause change. The concept of Energy in science is closely related to the law of the conservation of Energy, which states that Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only be changed from one form to another.

Science and esotericism have different approaches to Energy, but both recognize the existence of Energy and its influence on various aspects of life. Science tends to use scientific methods of measurement and explanation, whereas esotericism tends to involve a spiritual and holistic dimension in understanding Energy.

In science, Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only be changed from one form to another. This principle is known as the Law of the Conservation of Energy or the Principle of the Conservation of Energy.

The Law of Conservation of Energy is one of the basic principles in physics, part of the Laws of Thermodynamics. This law states that the total Energy in an isolated system remains constant over time. Although Energy can change from one form to another, the total amount of Energy present in the system remains the same.

Law of Energy

Law of Conservation of Energy: As we discussed earlier, this law states that Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but only changed from one form to another and that the total amount of Energy in an isolated system remains constant.

First Law of Thermodynamics: This law is also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy in the context of thermodynamics. He stated that Energy in a thermodynamic system cannot be created or destroyed, and changes in Energy in systems can only occur through exchanges with the external environment or changes in energy forms.

Second Law of Thermodynamics: This law is known as the Law of Entropy. He stated that an isolated system's entropy (degree of disorder or order) tends to increase without external intervention. The system naturally gravitates towards a more random or disordered state.

Third Law of Thermodynamics: This law deals with absolute temperature. He stated that it was impossible to reach -273.15 degrees Celsius) in a true cooling process.

In the context of impossible thermodynamics, Energy can change in several common forms, such as kinetic Energy (Energy of motion), potential Energy (Energy associated with position or height), heat energy, electrical energy, chemical Energy, etc. For example, Energy from fuel can be converted into heat energy, which can then be converted into kinetic Energy in machines or mechanical devices.

The principle of the conservation of Energy is important because it provides the basis for our understanding of how Energy interacts and changes in physical systems. Although Energy can change the form or be transferred, the total amount of Energy present in the system will remain the same.

In esoteric, the interpretation of Energy is broader and more complex. The term "energy" is often used to refer to the forces that underlie the universe and play a role in all aspects of life. Some common interpretations of Energy in esotericism include:

Vital Energy: In spiritual traditions and alternative medicine, vital Energy or life energy is often used. It refers to the strong force believed to flow through the body and affect our overall health, balance, and life. Practitioners consider that an imbalance or disturbance in the flow of vital Energy can cause illness or discomfort, and techniques such as acupuncture, reiki, or qigong are used to correct this energy flow.

Spiritual Energy: In a spiritual context, Energy is often associated with the non-physical and transcendental dimensions. Spiritual Energy is believed to be a power that transcends material aspects and connects us to a higher reality. The understanding and experience of this spiritual Energy can vary between various spiritual traditions but basically includes a "power" or "distinctiveness" that can be felt or accessed through meditation, prayer, contemplation, or mystical experience.

Cosmic Energy: Cosmic Energy refers to the Energy associated with the universe as a whole. In an esoteric view, the universe is considered a network of interconnected energies. Cosmic energy is believed to be the force that flows through heavenly bodies, planets, and stars and affects the life course on Earth. Some esoteric practices involve using cosmic Energy for personal transformation, healing, or a deeper understanding of our connection to the universe.

It is important to note that the concept of Energy in the esoteric often cannot be measured or explained in the same way as in the physical sciences. More often, Energy in an esoteric context is felt, sensed, or connected to through inner experience and more intuitive understanding.

Cosmic Energy

the word "energy" comes from the Greek word "energeia" (ἐνέργεια), which can generally be interpreted as "activity" or "force in action." "Cosmic" comes from the Greek "kosmos" (κόσμος), meaning "world" or "universe."

In an esoteric context, "cosmic energy" refers to Energy believed to be present in the universe and influencing aspects of life and consciousness. Cosmic Energy is the vital force connecting everything in the universe.

The esoteric meaning of "cosmic energy" is related to the idea that the universe is composed of energy that is not confined to the physical dimension but also to broader and subtle dimensions. Its Energy is thought to have beneficial or transformative qualities for the spiritual development, balance, and well-being of individuals and the wider existence.

Understandings of cosmic Energy vary within different esoteric and spiritual traditions. Some concepts associated with cosmic Energy include prana, chi, or other vital forces that are thought to flow through the body and pervade the universe.


Ennoia comes from Greek, meaning "thought" or "idea." In an esoteric context, "Ennoia" refers to the deeper concept of the creative mind or divine mind, which originates the cosmic manifestation.

In some esoteric traditions, "Ennoia" is considered to be the divine power or origin that gave birth to and governs the universe. Ennoia is often associated with God's creative power or cosmic forces that create and shape existing reality.

The esoteric meaning of "Ennoia" has to do with the idea that the divine mind will play an important role in the creation and evolution of the universe. It refers to the deep thinking, intuitive understanding, and creative power that underlies the processes of manifestation and transformation.


Enneagram comes from the Greek, consisting of the word "ennea" (εννέα), which means "nine," and "gramma" (γράμμα), which means "picture" or "diagram." So literally, "Enneagram" means "picture nine."

In an esoteric context, the Enneagram refers to a system or model used to understand personality characteristics and spiritual development. The Enneagram consists of nine dots connected by geometric lines and symmetries that form a special diagram.

Each dot on the Enneagram represents a personality type with distinct characteristics, motivations, and ways of behaving. This system helps individuals recognize and understand their own behavior patterns and those of others. More than just classifying people into nine types, the Enneagram also provides insight into the origins and dynamics of personality patterns that develop throughout life.

The Enneagram is also used for personal growth and spiritual development. By studying personality types and their associated behavior patterns, individuals can identify sources of imbalance, overcome negative patterns, and develop more healthy and beneficial aspects of their personality.

The use of the Enneagram is not only limited to esoteric contexts but also has applications in psychology, self-development, and team development. In esotericism, the Enneagram is often used to deepen self-understanding, raise awareness, and encourage spiritual transformation.


The word Esoteric comes from the Greek word "esōterikos" (ἐσωτερικός), which means "internal" or "hidden." This term refers to spiritual knowledge, teachings, or practices designed to be known or understood only by a select group of people or those with a deep understanding of the field. Esotericism is often associated with knowledge or teachings that are hidden, secret, or accessible only to those who have gone through special initiation or training.

Gaia / Mother Earth Gaia

Gaia originates from Ancient Greek mythology and refers to the goddess of the Earth in the Greek mythological tradition. Gaia is considered the name of the Earth as a living entity and a consciousness connected to nature.

The etymology of the word "Gaia" itself has no definite Greek roots. However, in Greek mythology, Gaia is considered the mother of all living entities and beings. Gaia is associated with fertility, growth, and the cycles of nature and is regarded as the force that nourishes and creates life on Earth.

The choice of the name "Gaia" for Earth as our planetary entity results from an attempt to link mythological and spiritual views with scientific perceptions of our planet. In 1970, scientist James Lovelock proposed the Gaia hypothesis, which describes Earth as a complex system with living organisms and the physical environment interacting to maintain conditions that support life.

In this context, "Gaia" describes Earth as a complex organic whole in which all components, both living organisms and their physical environment, are interrelated and interact to maintain the balance that supports life.

The name "Gaia" reflects a holistic view and the close relationship between life and Earth. This reflects recognition of the importance of maintaining the balance of nature and treating the Earth as a precious living entity.

Thus, the name "Gaia" conveys a deeper understanding and appreciation of the interconnections between humans, other life, and our precious planet and highlights the need for environmental preservation and sustainable management.


The term Invisibility and the word "unseen" comes from the Arabic "ghayb" (غيب), which literally means "that which is invisible" or "that which is hidden." In an esoteric context, "unseen" refers to things that the ordinary human senses cannot see or understand.

"unseen" in esotericism generally refers to dimensions or realities beyond our limited understanding and perception. This includes spiritual powers, non-physical entities, subtle realms, knowledge that cannot be discovered through conventional methods, and dimensions invisible to the human eye.

Higher Self

The Higher Self refers to each individual's wider, spiritual, and transcendent potential. This aspect of the self is associated with wisdom, justice, compassion, creativity, and a higher awareness. The Higher Self is seen as connected to the collective consciousness, the universe, or the greater source of life.

The Higher Self Concept is often related to a spiritual journey and the individual's quest to discover and integrate their higher aspects. It involves developing awareness, acceptance, and acknowledgment of life's greater wisdom and purpose.

In some spiritual traditions, the Higher Self refers to a relationship or bond with a higher spiritual aspect, such as the Soul, God, or a sacred source of life. In this context, developing a connection with the Higher Self means orienting oneself towards spiritual transformation, growth, and evolution.

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Ley Lines

Alfred Watkins, in his book entitled " The Old Straight Track ". Watkins proposed a network of lines across England, connecting ancient sanctuaries, megalithic monuments, and historic sites.

Although the direct etymology of the term Ley Lines is unknown, it can be related to the word "ley," which comes from the Old English "lea" or "leaȝ" meaning "meadow" or "open land." Thus, the term may refer to lines connected with clearings or land used for spiritual or ritual purposes.

In an esoteric context, "Ley lines" refer to lines or pathways of Energy believed to run around the Earth and connect certain sacred places, points of interest, or natural entities. The Ley lines are thought to have special Energy or resonance powers, and some believe they influence the Earth's energy field with environmental and spiritual influences.

The meaning of the "Ley Lines" in esotericism relates to the concept that there are energy connections or patterns hidden in the universe that can carry an influence or have spiritual significance. Approaches to the Ley Lines vary widely in esotericism, with some treating them as purely natural phenomena, while others consider them a spiritually important energy network.


Gnostic comes from the Greek word "gnōsis" (γνῶσις), meaning "knowledge" or "deep understanding." Gnosticism is the designation for a school of thought or spiritual philosophy that emerged in ancient times, especially in the early period of Christianity.

"Gnostic" etymology can be related to the idea that Gnostic teachings emphasized the quest for deep spiritual knowledge or understanding. Gnostics believed that a deep understanding of origins, the universe, and humans could lead humans to spiritual liberation and higher consciousness.

"Gnostic" refers to followers of Gnosticism, which blends elements of religion, philosophy, and mysticism. Gnosticism emphasized that there was esoteric knowledge or secret teachings that could only be discovered through deep spiritual experience.

In Christianity, Gnosticism emerged as a reaction against orthodox views and combined Christian elements with Platonic mysticism and philosophical aspects. Gnosticism taught there was a separation between spirit and matter and that liberation could be attained by understanding secret knowledge that revealed man's spiritual nature and origins.

However, it is important to note that Gnosticism is not recognized as an official sect within Christianity and is seen as a controversial teaching and considered heretical by some churches. The concepts of Gnostics and Gnosticism have been the object of academic study and theological debate throughout history.

So, etymologically, "Gnostic" means "that which deals with deep knowledge or understanding," whereas, in a religious context, it refers to a school of Gnosticism that emphasizes deep spiritual understanding and the quest for esoteric knowledge.


The Word Pleroma is from the Greek "πλήρωμα" (plērōma). Secara shariah, "pleroma" means "fulness" atau "whole." In Gnostic philosophy, "pleroma" refers to a perfect spiritual realm with divine entities or higher eons.

Pleroma describes a state of existence filled with unlimited wisdom, knowledge, and happiness. Within the pleroma is perfect unity and balance, and individuals associated with it experience spiritual understanding and liberation.

In Gnostic teachings, the pleroma is considered a state that the human soul must reach or find to transcend the limitations and suffering of the kenoma.


Invocation is the act of summoning, inviting, or requesting the presence of a higher spiritual entity or power. Invocations often involve invoking the entity's name or attributes and may include rituals, incantations, or other special techniques to direct Energy or strengthen a connection with the invited entity.

Invocation" in English comes from the Latin word "invocation," which consists of the prefix "in-," which means "in" or "into," and the root word "vocare," which means "to call" or "to invite." Literally, "invocation" means "to call in" or "to invite to attend."

In general, "invocation" refers to invoking, inviting, or invoking the presence of a higher power or spiritual entity. This can be done through prayers, mantras, rituals, or other spiritual practices. "Invocation" is communicating, asking for help, or associating oneself with a power or entity deemed to have greater wisdom, power, or influence.

In religious contexts, "invocation" is often associated with a prayer or appeal to a god, deity, or other heavenly entity. This involves calling on the entity's name, paying respects, asking for help, or asking for blessings. Prayer or "invocation" can be done privately or publicly in religious rituals.

In spiritual or religious practice, prayer can be part of an invocation. For example, in religious rituals, prayer may be part of an invocation to invoke the presence of God or some other heavenly entity. However, only some prayers are considered an invocation because there is not always a concrete effort to actively invoke or invite the entity's presence.

So, while a "prayer" can be part of an "invocation," not every prayer is considered an invocation. Invocations usually have the stronger nuance of invoking or inviting a specific spiritual entity. In contrast, invocations can include various forms of communication with a higher power without focusing on active calling.


The word Kenoma comes from the Greek empty money". In Gnostic philosophy, "kenoma" refers to the material realm or the physical world which is considered as an empty framework separate from the spiritual realm or higher existence. In ancient times, it is spelled as "κένωμα" ( kénōma). Literally, "kenoma" means "emptiness" or "r

In Gnosticism, kenoma was seen as a place where humans and spiritual entities were trapped in suffering and limitation. Kenoma represents the temporary, illusory, and limited conditions of life that must be overcome to achieve liberation and deeper spiritual understanding.

Linear/linear thinking

Linear thinking is a phrase used to describe structured and sequential thinking or approach. This refers to a thought process that goes gradually and regularly from one point to another without skipping or complex problem-solving.

The origin of the word "linear" comes from the Latin "linearis," which means "relating to a line" or "in the form of a line." In the context of thinking, "linear" describes an approach that moves forward in an orderly sequence, such as following a straight line from one point to the next.

When someone uses the expression "linear thinking," they refer to a way of thinking focused on successive steps or stages, where each step or stage depends on the previous one. This contrasts with a non-linear approach to thinking, in which thought can be jumpy or solve more complex problems.

In other contexts, "linear thinking" can also refer to limitations or deficiencies in thinking that only follow pre-existing patterns or sequences without involving critical or alternative thinking.


is often spelled as "Merkaba" or "Merkaba." This term is a transliteration from Hebrew into Indonesian. Literally, "Merkaba" means "train" or "vehicle" in Hebrew.

The concept of the Merkaba/Merkabah is also found in the Jewish mystical tradition, especially within the Kabbalah branch. In the context of Kabbalah, Merkaba refers to the mystical structures and experiences of the "heavenly chariot" associated with contemplative experience and deep understanding of God and spiritual reality.

Merkaba is often associated with meditation or visualization practices to attain transcendent experiences and deeper spiritual understanding. Through Merkaba meditation, individuals are believed to be able to activate and ascend a "heavenly chariot," which symbolizes the journey towards oneness with God and a higher spiritual dimension.

The Merkava is often associated with the mystical experiences reported by the prophet Ezekiel in the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. The Merkava experience is described as a profound vision and experience of the Divine throne, heavenly beings, and the powerful presence of God.

The Jewish tradition leads to an understanding of higher spiritual dimensions and the human ability to attain transcendent experiences through meditation, contemplation, and certain spiritual practices. However, the Merkava is not directly related to the concept of aura, which is more commonly discussed in esoteric contexts.

The two concepts, Merkabah and Aura, are related to the spiritual dimension, "Merkava" has more to do with mystical experience and understanding of the existence of God. At the same time, "aura" refers to the energy field that surrounds the individual in a general context.

Multi-dimension / Multi-dimension Thinking

Multi-dimension is a phrase that describes a style of thinking or approach that involves complex thinking and extends to multiple aspects or viewpoints. It refers to a person's ability to consider many interrelated factors, variables, or perspectives in the thought process.

The origin of the word "multi-dimensional" consists of two elements: "multi," which means "many" or "more than one," and "dimensional," which refers to aspects that can be seen or measured in a particular context. In the context of thinking, "multi-dimensional" describes an approach that involves considering many interrelated variables, dimensions, or viewpoints.

When someone uses the expression "multi-dimensional thinking," they refer to the ability to see a problem or situation from many different perspectives and consider complex factors. This involves seeing relationships between variables, identifying patterns, and understanding the implications of the various factors involved.

Multi-dimensional thinking is often associated with deep critical thinking, creativity, and analytical skills. It involves thinking broader and more holistically, bypassing the limitations of linear thinking, and incorporating different perspectives or elements involved in a problem or situation.


Prayer refers to communicating with a spiritual entity or God who is considered to have a higher power and authority. Prayer is an expression of the heart, a request, acknowledgment, or gratitude to that entity. It involves speaking or dialogue with spiritual forces through words, thoughts, or feelings expressed honestly and sincerely.


Starseed refers to the belief that individuals have an origin or existence linked to outer space or other planets.

In an esoteric sense, star seeds are believed to be souls that have lived a previous life in outer space and are then reborn on Earth to make a special contribution to positive change or spiritual evolution. They are thought to carry greater understanding and wisdom and have a special mission to assist in humanity's collective growth and transformation.

Starseed is often associated with the idea that these individuals have strong ties to certain planets or star systems. They may feel alienated or disconnected from the social or cultural environment on Earth and have a deep interest in astronomy, spirituality, aliens, or extraterrestrial existence.


The Triad often associated with the pineal consists of the pineal, pituitary (pituitary gland), and thymus. This is related to an important concept in several esoteric traditions, which regard these three glands as centers of spiritual energy and awareness.

Pineal (pineal gland): The pineal gland is considered the spiritual center or gateway to a higher spiritual consciousness. Some philosophies associate it with the third eye chakra or "inner eye." In some traditions, the pineal is thought to be connected to deeper spiritual perception, intuition, and spiritual experience.

Pituitary (pituitary gland): The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and plays an important role in regulating various hormonal functions in the body. In an esoteric context, this gland is considered the control center of spiritual Energy and consciousness that connects the physical and spiritual dimensions. Several esoteric traditions believe that the pituitary plays a role in activating spiritual potential and increasing awareness.

Thymus: The thymus is a small gland located in the center of the chest, behind the upper breastbone. In the esoteric tradition, the thymus is the seat of positive emotion, love, and spiritual growth. Some attribute it to the activation of the Energy of love and spiritual wisdom.

In an esoteric context, the pineal, pituitary, and thymus triads are interrelated centers of Energy and consciousness. They are thought to play a role in facilitating spiritual experience, intuition, expansion of consciousness, and a deeper understanding of self and the universe.


The universe comes from the Latin "universum," which is a combination of "uni-" which means "one" and "versus," which means "turned around" or "turned around." Literally, "universe" can be translated as "the one that rotating" or "unified as a whole."

In English, "universe" refers to the whole universe or system that includes everything. This consists of the universe's stars, galaxies, planets, matter, Energy, and space-time.

The word "universe" can also be used more broadly to refer to the concept that includes everything that exists, including all possible realities, dimensions, and entities beyond the universe we know.

The meaning of "universe" is a broad concept of everything that exists or can exist. This includes the physical universe that we observe and all its potentials and possible realities that are beyond our current understanding.

In common usage, "universe" is often used to describe the expansion and diversity of the universe beyond the boundaries of our own world or environment. This word can also refer to a vast and universal existence that transcends our physical dimensions.


Iam a vessel for the expression of the All There Is—the Universal Loving Intelligence of Love and Light.

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