True Love Beyond The Veil

Learn True Love - Embark on a journey with 2to33—a realm where true love, understanding, miracles, and Christ consciousness converge. Illuminate your path in the cosmic dance of consciousness and unity.

True Love Beyond The Veil
True Love Beyond The Veil

In the ethereal realms beyond the veil, where the soul emanates from the All There Is, true love unfolds in a dance of understanding, knowing, acceptance, and allowance. Here, the concept of love transcends the limitations of old human belief, painting a canvas with hues beyond black and white—where every shade manifests the purest essence of love.

There is no room for drama or the ego's agendas in this sacred space. True love, in its pristine form, is a symphony of colors that harmonize in a divine melody. It is a state where the soul, liberated from the constraints of the mundane, experiences love as a cosmic force unbounded by the dualities of the earthly realm.

To understand and know in this realm is to tap into the universal consciousness, where the wisdom of the ages flows like a river of light. Acceptance becomes a natural state as the soul recognizes its interconnectedness with all that is, embracing the diverse expressions of the cosmic dance. In this context, allowance is the art of letting the cosmic currents guide the soul without resistance, surrendering to the divine flow.

Without human constructs and limitations, true love is the purest expression of the soul's connection to the cosmic tapestry. Look at the Sun as it shines perpetually, or Mother Gaia never stops nurturing nature. Here, love is not confined by the rigid boundaries of belief systems; instead, it blossoms as a vibrant garden of experiences, each petal representing a unique facet of the universal love that pervades all creation. But the question was raised: Should we use our 3D linearity or ponder it with our multidimensional mind?

In this dimension, the pure meaning of love emerges as a beacon of light, dispelling the shadows of separation and egoic illusions. It is a state of being where the soul experiences the profound truth that there is no judgment, no dichotomy between right and wrong—only the kaleidoscopic beauty of existence.

As the soul navigates this realm, love is not a distant ideal but a tangible reality, a living expression of the divine within. The essence harmonizes the symphony of existence, weaving together the threads of consciousness into a seamless tapestry of oneness.

That the meaning of Peace surges. In the absence of human drama and egoic agendas, true love becomes the guiding principle of existence. It is the force that propels the soul towards higher states of consciousness, where the mundane concerns of the material world fade away, and we are aware of the presence of peace, and the soul becomes a luminary in the cosmic expanse.

To embrace the pure meaning of love in this realm is to transcend the limitations of human perception and societal conditioning. It is a liberation from the shackles of duality, a journey into the heart of the cosmic dance where the soul recognizes itself in the myriad expressions of the All There Is.

Beyond The Veil - Pleroma: What Does It Mean?

Beyond the veil lies the enigmatic realm of the unseen but ever-present—the Pleroma, a dimension of fullness and abundance, a celestial expanse in gnostic understanding. This spiritual world, bathed in the luminosity of light, encompasses the body of eons, a congregation of divine emanations that weave the tapestry of existence.

In the Pleroma, the soul finds its dwelling, transcending the boundaries of the living and those who came before. It is a sanctuary where the essence of souls interweaves with the eternal threads of the cosmic fabric. Time is an expansive river here, and the past, present, and future coalesce into a harmonious symphony of being.

As the soul navigates this celestial expanse, it encounters the echoes of existence—the whispers of eons past and the anticipations of eons yet to come. The Pleroma is a repository of timeless wisdom, a reservoir of knowledge that transcends the limitations of earthly understanding. In its fullness, it mirrors the intricate dance of creation, where every soul is a unique note contributing to the grand cosmic melody.

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With its radiant light, the Pleroma is a realm where the unseen becomes palpable, and the mysteries of the universe unfold. It is a place where the soul, liberated from the constraints of the material world, engages in a dance of pure essence—a communion with the divine currents that flow through the eons.

Within the Pleroma, the boundaries that define the living and the departed dissolve into a seamless unity. The souls, both present and past, coexist in a state of perpetual interconnectedness. It is a realm where the living draws inspiration from the wisdom of ancestral spirits, and the departed find solace in the eternal embrace of the cosmic currents.

The term "Pleroma" resonates with the idea of fullness and plenitude, reflecting the abundance of spiritual essence that permeates every corner of this transcendent dimension. It is a space where the soul, like a celestial voyager, explores the boundless landscapes of consciousness and ascends to the pinnacle of its divine potential.

In the presence of the Pleroma, the veils that shroud the unseen are lifted, and the soul experiences a profound revelation. Here, the distinction between the material and the spiritual dissolves, and the soul is immersed in the fullness of the cosmic ocean—an ocean where the currents of divine light guide every journey and illuminate the path to self-discovery.

As the soul traverses the Pleroma, it encounters the body of eons—a congregation of divine emanations that embody the essence of creation. Each eon is a unique expression of cosmic intelligence, contributing to the vibrancy and richness of the spiritual world. It is a collective dance where the soul, as a participant in this grand cosmic ballet, rediscovers its purpose and significance in the vastness of existence.

Tuning And Crossing The Bridge Beyond The Veil

Tuning into the frequencies of the ethereal realm beyond the veil requires a delicate attunement of the soul's vibrations. Imagine the soul as a finely tuned instrument, resonating with the cosmic symphony. To embark on this journey, one must cultivate a state of inner stillness—a quietude that allows the subtle whispers of the unseen to permeate the consciousness.

Begin by creating a sacred space within, a sanctuary where the distractions of the material world fade away. In this inner haven, let go of the cacophony of daily life and attune your senses to the vibrations of the Pleroma—the dimension of fullness and abundance. Breathe deeply, inhaling the cosmic energies surrounding you, and exhale any residual tension hindering the soul's resonance.

Now, visualize a bridge extending beyond the veil—a bridge crafted from the luminous threads of the cosmic fabric. This bridge is the pathway to the Pleroma, beckoning the soul to cross over and explore the unseen dimensions. As you step onto the bridge, feel the subtle vibrations beneath your feet, resonating harmoniously with the celestial currents.

Crossing the bridge requires a surrender to the flow of divine guidance. Release the need for control and allow the currents of the unseen to guide your journey. Trust in the innate wisdom of the soul and the universal intelligence that permeates the Pleroma. Each step on the bridge is a conscious choice, a willingness to transcend the limitations of earthly understanding and embrace the mysteries that unfold beyond the veil.

As you traverse the bridge, remain attuned to the vibrations of the Pleroma. Listen to the whispers of the eons, the echoes of timeless wisdom that reverberate through the cosmic expanse. In its journey, the soul may encounter challenges and revelations—each moment a stepping stone towards a deeper understanding of the self and the boundless realms of existence.

Maintain a receptivity, allowing the unseen to reveal itself in its own time and manner. The bridge beyond the veil is not a linear path but a multidimensional journey where the soul experiences the fullness of the spiritual world. It is a dance of exploration, where the soul rediscovers its interconnectedness with the cosmic tapestry and embraces the divinity that resides within.

Upon reaching the other side of the bridge, the soul finds itself immersed in the radiant light of the Pleroma. Here, the fullness and abundance of the spiritual realm unfold in a breathtaking panorama. The body of eons, a congregation of divine emanations, welcomes the seeker into the cosmic ballet of creation.

In the presence of the Pleroma, the soul is bathed in the essence of love and light—a love that transcends human understanding and a light that illuminates the path to self-discovery. The journey beyond the veil, across the bridge to the unseen, is a transformative experience—an odyssey of tuning into the cosmic frequencies and embracing the fullness of existence in the sacred dance of the Pleroma.


In conclusion, true love, experienced beyond the veil, is a journey into the heart of the soul's connection to the universal consciousness. It is a realm where understanding, knowing, acceptance, and allowance converge in a dance of cosmic proportions. Free from the constraints of human belief, true love shines as a beacon of light, illuminating the path towards the pure essence of existence—where colors replace the black and white, and the drama of egoic agendas gives way to the harmonious symphony of the cosmic dance.


Iam a vessel for the expression of the All There Is—the Universal Loving Intelligence of Love and Light.

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