Day 8 - Loving Inspirational Quote For Truth And Wisdom Seeker

Be in Truth and out of Illusion: I Chose the True Self Amidst the Veil of Duality's Deception

day 8 loving quote
Illustration: Day 8 -  Loving Inspirational Quote For Truth And Wisdom Seeker

At the heart of our contemplation stands a guiding quote: "Be in Truth and out of Illusion: Choosing the True Self Amidst the Veil of Duality's Deception." These words echo through the cosmic corridors, inviting us to ponder the essence of truth and the illusions that entwine our perception. Before we unravel the mysteries within, let this quote serve as our compass, navigating the vast landscape of self-discovery and cosmic understanding.

In the cosmic tapestry of exploration, let us commence our journey by unveiling the enigmatic presence of duality's veil. Imagine a dance of opposites, a play of light and shadow intricately woven into the fabric of existence. As we embark on Day 8's reflection, consider this: What truths lie hidden behind the Veil of Duality's Deception? Let the cosmic dance unfold, revealing the profound choice to be made amidst illusions.

Be in Truth and out of Illusion

The Illusion of Duality

Duality, like a captivating mirage, paints a picture of opposites—light and shadow, joy and sorrow, love and fear. Yet, beneath this apparent dichotomy lies a profoundness of truth: these seeming opposites are threads of the same cosmic fabric, intricately woven into the rich tapestry of existence. The Veil of Duality's Deception plays tricks on our perception, convincing us of the separateness of these threads, and obscuring the reality that they are inseparable in the grand design.

Choosing the True Self

Amidst this cosmic play of light and shadow, we, as the seeker often encounter a profound choice—to see beyond the illusions and choose the true self. The true self, not confined by the veils of duality, recognizes the interconnectedness of all things. It sees the dance of opposites as a harmonious rhythm, acknowledging that each note contributes to the symphony of existence.

Transcending Illusion

In this world. the journey through the Veil of Duality's Deception is an awakening. It calls for the piercing of illusions, the unraveling of deceptive threads that blind us to the unity within diversity. It beckons the seeker to transcend the limitations of dualistic thinking, inviting an exploration of the vast landscape where the true self resides—beyond the confines of black and white, where shades of grey dissolve in the light of understanding.

The Number 8 As A Guide

In exploring the truth amidst illusion, the symbolic presence of the number 8 becomes significant. It is not merely a numerical coincidence but a cosmic guide—a reminder that the power of manifestation and abundance is linked to our ability to see through the Veil of Duality's Deception. The true essence of the number 8 also lies in its invitation to embrace responsibility, stability, and structured intentions as we build our dreams on the foundation of conscious choices.

In the dance with the number 8, we find resonance with the journey of choosing the true self amidst the illusions of duality. Let us, as truth and wisdom seekers, be guided by the eternal wisdom that transcends the deceptive veils, manifesting a reality abundant with the blessings of All There Is.

Do You Know What Illusion We Talk About?

In unraveling the Veil of Duality's Deception, it becomes imperative to delve into the nature of the illusion we confront. Do you know that this illusion, intricately interwoven with the fabric of duality, is a deceptive play of perceptions and beliefs? Let's explore the essence of this illusion and its ties to faithlessness.

Illusion and Faithlessness:

Do you know that the illusion we speak of is intimately connected to faithlessness? In the realm of duality, where opposites dance and shadows play, illusions thrive in the absence of faith. The illusion manifests when faith wavers, allowing deceptive narratives to overshadow the inherent truth. Recognizing this, we embark on a journey to strengthen our faith, for in truth lies the correction of all errors in the mind.

Illusion of Differences

Do you know that illusions, at their core, are always illusions of differences? It's a profound realization that, by definition, illusions attempt to magnify and emphasize perceived disparities. In the grand cosmic drama, the illusion seeks to highlight differences of importance, creating a distorted narrative that, deep down, we recognize as untrue. As truth seekers, acknowledging this facet of illusion becomes a pivotal step in transcending its deceptive grip.

Illusion as a Travesty of Creation

Do you know that illusions are, in essence, travesties of creation? We often confuse the Creation and the Making. Our Prime Sources, the Father Mother Of Life gave us capabilities to create while the ego is only capable of Making. So, the making emerges as misguided attempts to impose truth onto lies, a futile endeavor to make falsehoods real. The cosmic dance of creation is pure and harmonious, and illusions - all that our ego made up - disrupt this harmony by distorting the innate order of reality. Understanding this, we unravel the threads of illusion, allowing the authentic dance of creation to unfold.

The Healing Power of Truth

Do you know that all sickness is an illusion? In the vast landscape of illusion, ailments, and afflictions are but mirages, deceptive narratives that veil the inherent truth of well-being. The truth, a beacon of healing brilliance, reveals that there is no order of difficulty in healing. It dispels the illusion of sickness, inviting us to embrace the profound reality of health and wholeness.

In acknowledging these facets of illusion, we peel back the layers of deception woven into the fabric of duality. As truth and wisdom seekers, we navigate through the illusion, guided by the eternal wisdom that truth corrects all errors, and faith is the key to unveiling the profound reality beyond the Veil of Duality's Deception.

The Illusion of Lack

Do you know that a significant facet of this illusion is the perceived lack that shrouds the minds of many? The illusion of lacking, a mirage that whispers scarcity and inadequacy, often blinds individuals to the abundance flowing within the cosmic river of existence. It's a deceptive narrative that obscures the truth that in unity with All There Is, there is no lack but an overflow of blessings and opportunities.

The Ignorance about the Meaning of Seeing (Vision)

Do you know that within the illusion, we live in profound ignorance about the true meaning of seeing? The cosmic dance of duality often veils the vision, leading to perpetual misperception. Seeing in its true form transcends the limitations of the physical eyes; it's a vision that emanates from the soul, perceiving the interconnectedness of all things. Ignorance of this vision generates errors in behavior, as actions are rooted in the misperception of separateness.

The Knowing of the True Meaning of Love

Do you know that the illusion we grapple with extends to the understanding of love? In the dance of duality, love is often misinterpreted as a force (to Have instead of to Be) confined to separateness—a conditional and dualistic expression. However, the truth beckons us to know the genuine meaning of love—an expression rooted in unity and relationship with All There Is. Love, in its purest form, transcends the illusions of separation, weaving a tapestry of interconnectedness and oneness.

As we navigate the complexities of the illusion, let us be mindful of these intricacies—the illusion of lack, the ignorance about the true meaning of seeing, and the profound knowing of love in unity. Through this awareness, we empower ourselves to see beyond the deceptive layers, transcending the Veil of Duality's Deception and embracing the authentic reality of Unity, Abundance, and Love.


Iam a vessel for the expression of the All There Is—the Universal Loving Intelligence of Love and Light.

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