Vibration - Form, Sound Noise: What Are These All About

2to33 Learn - Albert Einstein once said: "Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." So that "everything is vibration." This statement points to a profound truth about the nature of our reality and how everything in the Universe vibrates at a specific frequency.

Vibration - Form, Sound Noise

As we know, matter is made up of atoms constantly in motion. And in its core, the atomic vibration makes up the fabric of our reality.

It is then that the concept of vibration, perception of visible form, and the auditory symphony of sound and noise hold profound significance. These facets of our earthly experience offer windows to a deeper understanding of our reality. 

In the scientific domain, vibration is defined as an object's repetitive, oscillatory motion around a central equilibrium point. This motion typically involves the back-and-forth movement of particles or waves. It can be measured in frequency, the number of oscillations or cycles per unit of time, usually expressed in Hertz (Hz).

When considering colors, the energetic spectrum refers to the electromagnetic spectrum, a fundamental concept in physics. In this context, each color corresponds to a specific range of wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum. Here's a simplified description of colors and their positions within the spectrum:

  • Red: Red light has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies. It's located at the longer-wavelength end of the visible spectrum.

  • Orange: Orange light falls between red and yellow, with slightly shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies.

  • Yellow: Yellow light continues progressing with even shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies.

  • Green: This light is next, with shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than yellow.

  • Blue: Blue light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies, making it one of the shorter-wavelength colors in the visible spectrum.

  • Indigo: Indigo is a shade between blue and violet, with shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies.

  • Violet: Violet light has the shortest and highest wavelengths within the visible spectrum.

In the interaction of colors (comprising millions of compositions) with matter, visible forms come into existence. This is due to how our eyes and the human visual system perceive and interpret light and color.

When light, which consists of a spectrum of colors, interacts with objects, the matter in those objects selectively absorbs and reflects specific wavelengths of light. The colors we perceive result from the wavelengths of light that are reflected and detected by our eyes. Here's a simplified explanation:

  • Absorption: When an object absorbs specific wavelengths of light and reflects others, the colors that are reflected are what we perceive. For example, a red apple appears red because it absorbs most colors in the visible spectrum but reflects red wavelengths.

  • Reflection: Objects may appear a particular color because they reflect specific wavelengths. A green leaf appears green because it primarily reflects green light and absorbs other colors.

  • Mixing Colors: When you combine different colors of light or pigments, you create various colors and hues. For example, mixing red and blue pigments can result in the perception of purple.
The multitude of colors and their combinations, created by the interplay of light and matter, give rise to the incredible diversity of visible forms in the world around us. It's a testament to the beauty and complexity of the natural world, and it plays a crucial role in our perception of reality.

Understanding the energetic spectrum and the colors within it helps explain how different colors are created through the interaction of light and matter, and it has practical applications in various scientific fields, such as optics and spectroscopy.

Perceiving Visible Form - The Veil of Maya

Perceiving the visible form is like peering through the veil of Maya, a Hindu concept of illusion. Our senses are windows to the material world yet often mask the underlying truth. Just as a mirage in the desert deceives the thirsty traveler, so too can the material world deceive us, obscuring the spiritual essence beneath.

Let's contemplate: perceiving the visible form is a way of receiving the light information that vibrates throughout the cosmos from without to within the self. We witness the dance of energy and light when we gaze upon the material world. Every visible form is a manifestation of vibrating particles, and these vibrations carry information, stories, and the essence of existence.

Imagine the material world as a canvas painted with the brushstrokes of light. Each form, from a humble pebble to a majestic mountain, expresses this cosmic artwork. By observing these forms, we can tap into the knowledge encoded within them, connecting to the universal intelligence that flows through all things.

Vibration - The Dance of Universal Energy

Idem ditto to perceiving, a vibration that generates sound is the very heartbeat of the Universe, and it is the rhythm by which all things in Terra and Gaia exist. It's like a cosmic orchestra playing an eternal symphony. When we attune ourselves to these vibrations, we resonate with the harmonious frequencies of the cosmos. Just as a ripple in a pond travels outward, our intentions and emotions send vibrations into the quantum field, shaping our experiences.

Hearing Sound and Noise - The Universe's Language

Sound and noise are the language of the Universe, resonating through the cosmos. Each sound is a unique vibration, carrying information and emotion. Think of it as the Universe speaking to us in a symphony of frequencies, from the gentle rustling of leaves to the thunderous roar of a waterfall. To truly listen is to understand the messages woven into this cosmic language.

Make Discernment: Sound and Noise Might Affect Us

These Sounds and Noise reflect the intricate relationship between the auditory world and human experience, offering a rich tapestry of meaning that can resonate deeply with those seeking to understand sound and noise's profound nature.

Sound - The Harmony of Vibration

The word "sound" resonates with the echoes of history, rooted in Old French and Latin, ultimately derived from the ancient PIE root *swon-o-. Sound is more than a mere sensory perception; it is the manifestation of harmonious vibrations that caress the ear. It carries the beauty of music, the power of voice, and the Universe's symphony.

Noise - The Unsettled Dissonance

On the other hand, "noise" has a fascinating etymological trail. Some suggest its origin in Latin "nausea," associating it with discomfort and disgust. Others propose "noxia," meaning harm or damage. However, the sense of the word resists these interpretations. Instead, it might have evolved from the Latin "nausea" to signify an unpleasant situation, tumult, or quarrel, a notion found in Old Provençal. The history of "noise" is intertwined with human interaction, from disturbance and rumor to the vibrant cacophony of a theatrical stage.

Be Responsible With Frequencies To  Project Without

As co-creators of our reality, our thoughts, emotions, and actions directly impact the vibrational frequencies we emit into the world. Just as "sound" and "noise" carry different connotations, our intentions and the energies we project can create harmonious or discordant experiences in our personal space and the world around us.

When we consistently emit negative or chaotic vibrations, it can create a challenging and unsettling environment. It's akin to filling the space with "noise" that drowns out the harmonious "sound" of life.

Conversely, we contribute to a more balanced and peaceful atmosphere when we consciously project positivity, love, and harmony. It's a reflection of our co-creative power to shape our reality.

Recognizing our responsibility as co-creators allows us to be mindful of the energies we emit and to actively contribute to the well-being of our own lives and the collective. By aligning with the "sound" of positivity, we can transform our space into a more harmonious and fulfilling environment.


As we delve into the profound realms of vibration, sound, and noise, let us not merely absorb this knowledge but embrace its transformative potential. Take a moment to contemplate the vibrations you emit, the sounds you create, and the energies you project into the world. Understand that you are a co-creator of your reality, shaping the symphony of your existence. By tuning into harmonious frequencies and projecting positive vibrations, you can elevate your own life and contribute to the well-being of the collective consciousness. Let the dance of universal energy guide your steps on this remarkable journey. The beauty of the cosmos is within you, waiting to be expressed. (And so it is )


Iam a vessel for the expression of the All There Is—the Universal Loving Intelligence of Love and Light.

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