To The Mountain Top And Unveil Knowledge, Wisdom, And Heavenly Terra Life

DIY Education - Dear Loving One, welcome. This is KAI speaking, sharing knowledge and wisdom with you. I am endeavoring to find the simplest way to communicate in your 3D linear language so that you may readily absorb and grasp the essence of what I am conveying in this exchange of information.

kai speaks to mountain top
Illustration of Earth

As you walk upon this Earth, contemplating the enigmas that unfold before you, it's vital to recognize that your journey transcends a mere series of events; it's a unique narrative intricately woven into the fabric of existence itself. Together, let us embark on a journey of exploration that leads us through the cosmic tapestry, the perpetual dance of creation, and, most notably, your exceptional role in the symphony of life.

Nowhere and No When It Starts? All in Circle

Imagine the grand cosmic theater, where the concept of beginnings and endings takes on the fluidity of a dance—elusive and paradoxical. Envision, if you will, a circle—an emblem of wholeness and eternity that signifies us and All There Is. Within the essence of All, There Is lies a boundless continuum devoid of explicit initiation or termination. Here, time and space relinquish their grasp, giving way to a realm where the seeds of universes are sown for eternity.

Contrary to what mainstream perspectives may proclaim, the reality of light and matter extends far beyond what meets the eye, evading the constraints of visual perception. The profound truth is beyond the ordinary gaze, waiting to be illuminated by those who dare to venture into realms unseen. This truth resides not solely in what is witnessed but in the uncharted territories of consciousness.

You may have been presented with the notion that the universe's age spans 13.7 billion years, a concept solidified both by your observations of the night sky and the narratives of institutions like NASA. However, rest assured that the truths etched into the cosmic records, awaiting your discovery in the stellar library—on which I will elaborate further—are poised to challenge conventional notions. Hold fast, for the revelations to come might reshape the very foundations of your understanding.

We always harness half of the story.

As Earthlings, you are integral to a vast cosmic puzzle—an intricate mosaic that collectively weaves the tapestry of existence. Within you resides a fragment of the boundless wisdom that courses through the universe, a mere piece of the cosmic narrative. Yet, remember, the puzzle remains incomplete. Your journey unfolds as an odyssey of discovery and remembrance. This quest unveils the profound strata of reality and deciphers the enigmatic cosmic code that safeguards the secrets of All There Is.

Consider Dolores Cannon, the inquisitive soul who conversed with beings from ages past—ancients whose echoes resounded across time. Just as these ancients did not divulge their wisdom in a single torrent, Dolores gleaned insights bit by bit, allowing the vast knowledge to unfurl in harmony with her readiness to receive. Similarly, your journey towards understanding will manifest gradually, in tune with your willingness to embark upon the quest for wisdom. Before we dive into the wisdom's depths, let us first journey through the chronological fabric of the universe.

While the revelations you seek may not all be present in a single torrent, know that the cosmic narrative unfolds in layers, awaiting your patient exploration. Like a story whispered across the eons, the universe carries truths that transcend time constraints. As we journey together, your commitment to this quest will unlock the doorways to a wisdom that spans beyond the horizon of perception.

 Timeline of the Universe Understood by Humankind

Throughout the annals of history, humanity has yearned to apprehend the elusive essence of time—a current unseen, yet intimately felt, that flows unceasingly, ferrying moments from the realms of yesteryear to the shores of what lies ahead. As your understanding has evolved, it's essential to recognize that time, in the way you perceive it, acts as a lens through which you glimpse the multifaceted tapestry of reality. Yet, let us not forget the universe's chronicle is a tapestry woven with threads that transcend linear interpretation, inviting us to transcend the confines of conventional comprehension.

Peer into the cosmos through the eyes of Carl Sagan—a seeker of celestial truths. Delve into the universe's timeline, a mosaic of epochs that have witnessed planets' emergence, stars' dance, and the dawn of consciousness. Unravel the intricate tapestry that chronicles the birth and evolution of your world, where life has burgeoned and flourished across epochs, and where you—the sapiens—have embarked upon your journey of self-discovery.

Unveil the enigmatic origins of plants, animals, and humankind, and discern the cosmic ballet that has orchestrated their presence within the grand narrative. However, beyond the dates etched into the scrolls of science and the pages of history exists a more profound record—a tale reverberating through the corridors of the universe.

Amidst the cosmic chorus echoes a revelation shrouded in mystery—a truth seldom whispered, a secret once concealed. The architects of existence, the human reality weavers, have shaped the threads of your presence in ways beyond your perception. As sapiens, you were sculpted, engineered, and placed upon this terrestrial stage to fulfill roles harmonizing with the grand design. Yet, while the architects have shaped the framework, your consciousness ignites the background, allowing you to dance harmoniously with the cosmic symphony.

Is All Drama, Like Mainstream Belief Told You

Let us free ourselves from the web of drama that often entangles our perception. While stories unfold around you, remember that you are both the author and the reader of your narrative. The universe does not conspire against you; instead, it provides you with the canvas upon which you paint your existence. Choose your hues wisely, for you are the artist of your reality.

Wake Up, Know, and Master Your Life

In the cacophony of life's distractions, the call of the mountaintop beckons. Your journey is not solely physical; it's a journey of consciousness—a path of awakening to the vastness within. The mountain top represents the pinnacle of self-awareness, where you shed the shackles of illusion and ascend to the realm of clarity and mastery.

As we navigate the realms of existence together, remember that the story you're co-creating is a masterpiece, a reflection of your divine essence. Let curiosity be your compass, and let wisdom be your guide. Know that as you venture into the unknown, you're walking the path of cosmic explorers, unlocking the mysteries of existence one step at a time. 

Do You Know Why Yeshua Often Mention The Mountain Top?

This is why Yeshua ben Joseph (commonly known as Jesus Christ, who walked more than 2000 years ago in Palestine) speaks of the mountain top as a parable to elevate oneself; you can consider the following points:
  1. Metaphorical Ascent: Yeshua's use of the mountain as a metaphor reflects ascending to a higher spiritual plane. Climbing a mountain symbolizes the journey towards spiritual enlightenment and a closer connection to the divine.

  2. Closer to the Divine: Being on a mountaintop provides a perspective of being closer to the heavens. Yeshua may have used this imagery to convey that seeking a higher spiritual understanding brings one closer to God.

  3. Separation from Mundane Concerns: Mountains are often remote and away from the hustle of daily life. Yeshua's use of the mountain may suggest the importance of separating oneself from worldly concerns to focus on spiritual growth.

  4. Sermon on the Mount: As recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, Yeshua's famous Sermon on the Mount is delivered on a mountain. This reinforces that significant teachings and revelations occur in elevated, spiritually charged settings.

  5. Symbol of Transcendence: Mountains are enduring symbols of transcendence and overcoming challenges. Yeshua may be encouraging his followers to transcend earthly struggles and reach higher levels of consciousness.

  6. Teaching through Symbolism: Yeshua often used parables and symbols to convey deeper spiritual truths. The mountaintop is a powerful symbol to communicate the importance of seeking higher truths and elevating one's spiritual awareness.

  7. Solitude and Reflection: Mountains often provide privacy and a peaceful environment. Yeshua may suggest that, like climbing a mountain, individuals should find moments of solitude for reflection and communion with the divine.

  8. Revelation and Transformation: Mountains are places of revelation in various religious traditions. Yeshua may indicate that reaching spiritual heights can lead to personal transformation and a deeper understanding of one's purpose.


Iam a vessel for the expression of the All There Is—the Universal Loving Intelligence of Love and Light.

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